Strength and Serenity
Through intelligent practice of yoga we will strengthen the back and abdomen while building flexibility. Classes will focus on controlling the breath in order to promote a better relationship between the mind and the body in order to avoid injury and create more freedom in the body. Bring a yoga mat. All levels welcome.
Gentle Yoga
Gentle Yoga focuses on the development of strength, conditioning, coordination, flexibility, and breath awareness in a relaxed environment. Focus is on postures, breath awareness and meditation. All levels welcome.
Iyengar Inspired
An energetic class with integrity based on a sequential flow of postures linked through mindful breathing and alignment. This class includes forward folds, standing postures, balancing postures, abdominal work, twists, stretches, backbends, and inversions. All levels welcome.
Advanced Studio Class
Inspired and influenced by: Iyengar, Ashtanga, Anusara,and Jivamukti styles of yoga, Ava Tyler's studio classes are focused and challenging, supporting deeper progress in the asana and pranayama. For practitioners desiring the fulfillment of a dedicated yoga practice. Intermediate level.Support, Suspension, and Asana
Experience deep, safe suspension, traction and extension in asana using a special "Iyengar" wall rope system, folded blankets, straps, chairs and block aids guiding your inner process of clarifying your alignment, sourcing your core stability, and developing precision. These are just some of the benefits that become available to the yoga karunta ("puppet") practitioner. For practitioners desiring the fulfillment of a dedicated yoga practice. Intermediate level.